of Contents
Comprehending God’s Holy Spirit: the Divine Nature
INTRODUCTION: Comprehending the Omnipotent and Ubiquitous Spirit of God !
A profound phenomenon began overwhelming the New Testament Church as the third century was drawing to a close. Politically Driven Theological Developments emerged, blending concepts drawn from ancient Paganism and Gnosticism with those drawn from Scriptures, structuring the result to accommodate the pre-existing Judaic monotheistic belief system. The resulting dogma forever divided the various Christian cults, drawing a curtain over any proper understanding the greater Christian world might hope to have as to the existence of the true God and our stated potential of becoming… “partakers of His Divine Nature”.
CHAPTER 1 Spirit and the Universe ( Spirit > Energy > Matter )
Under the Rigid Conceptualization of Gods’ Holy Spirit as the ‘third Person’ of a Holy Trinity, we self-impose limits on ourselves as to the full Dimension of the POWER that Creates and Sustains the Universe, both Material and non-Material, Animate and Inanimate.
CHAPTER 2 The Nature of God’s Spirit !
It wasn’t all that many years into the New Testament Era before Gnostic Teachings and errant Judaic Beliefs began being Blended into Fundamental Christian Theology. The Result Being that We today are Afflicted with Contradicting Belief Systems as to the True ‘Nature of God’. But in order to Correctly Understand this matter, We Must first Acquaint ourselves with the Nature of His Spirit.
CHAPTER 3 Dispensations of God’s Spirit
“If any man have not the Spirit of Christ, he is none of His”! (Rom. 8:9) Scripture reveals a most fascinating situation with regard to the Emerging Availability of this Essential Element in the Salvation of Humanity. Ezekiel 37 gives us a glimpse into the Post-Millennial Age! (The under-reported “Second Resurrection Era”, the “Last Great Day”)
CHAPTER 4 When God’s Spirit is Poured Out
An Explicit Promise, made in Ezekiel 37, to this day Remains Unfulfilled. Nothing could be more Insightful than this Outpouring of God’s Spirit upon the Entire House of Israel. Do we appreciate its Significance?
CHAPTER 5 Accessing God’s Spirit
On the Day of Pentecost, a Phenomenon occurred that changed the Dynamics of our Relationship with God from that day onward. Yet, that was only a Foretaste of Astounding Developments prophesied to Come!
CHAPTER 6 Using the Holy Spirit (Smug Security or Creative Risk?)
CHAPTER 7 What Was the Early Church’s Understanding Regarding “the Trinity”?
Profound Theological Considerations Factored into the Christian Thought Stream after the Second Century. Hidden within the Historical Record is a Picture of What the Early New Testament Church ACTUALLY Believed for more than 200 years! (Part I )
CHAPTER 8 What Was the Early Church’s Understanding Regarding “the Holy Spirit”?
Profound Theological Considerations Factored into the Christian Thought Stream after the Second Century. The New Testament presents a Comprehensive Picture of What the Early New Testament Church ACTUALLY Believed! (Part II )
CHAPTER 9 A Whole NEW Paradigm: The Doctrine of ‘ the Father and the Son ’!
With Volatile Issues abundant, the Early NT Church didn’t need More things to have to Debate. Yet One Issue was Always ‘Right There’ Waiting to Erupt. Few have noted the Extreme Genius Exhibited by New Testament writers in Changing the Fundamental Perceptual Parameters of Who Elohim Is, doing so with Minimal Controversy at the Time.
CHAPTER 10 Considering Monotheism’s Limitations
Both Judaic and Christian Persuasions profess to be ‘Monotheistic’, yet they present very Different Conceptualizations. Are there Biblical Answers to the many Enigmatic Problems we Encounter in these Contrasting Explanations? And Secondly, Is the Truth allowed Adequate Accommodation?
CHAPTER 11 You DO Believe in the Trinity, Don’t You?
This Prime Question, potentially posed by our Counterparts in the Religious World, can make or break a Dialog. How we respond to it can have Far Reaching and even Abrupt Consequences. Do WE know what Answers to Give?