Gleaning Topics of Interest and Relevance to God's Called and True Saints

Expounding upon the Faith Once Delivered

Mount Garfield

Grand Junction, Colorado is located on Interstate 70 on the western side of the magnificent Central Rocky Mountain Range in a wide semi-arid valley long famous for agricultural bounty. In the photo we see Mount Garfield in the springtime with peach trees in blossom, near Palisade, just east of Grand Junction. The eroded beauty of the Colorado National Monument flanks the valley's western side, with the 10,000 foot Grand Mesa dominating the east end. A worthwhile stopover when passing thru the west.






We Recommend these Sabbath-keeping churches:

Christian Church of God,
Clifton, (Grand Junction),  Colorado

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Non-denominational and unaffiliated with any Christian or secular organization, we believe the Holy Bible to be the inspired word of God, that “All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness” (2 Tim 3:16). The congregation meets each Sabbath (Saturday) morning at 11 am.
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Shepherd’s Voice Magazine is a free publication offered by the Chicagoland Church of God and issued quarterly to serve the Sabbath Keeping/Holy Day observing community of believers. Click Image to Visit Shepherds Voice SVM works with other Sabbath keeping groups where synergies can be found in serving God and His people. For a subscription or to read on-line articles visit

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Gleaning Topics of Interest and Relevance to God's Called and True Saints

Expounding upon the Faith Once Delivered

Article Titles Currently Available Online        Updated July, 2020

Sabbaths and Bullocks Offerings During the Feast of Tabernacles and Last Day    
What is the Meaning of these Unique Offerings and What does it tell us about God’s Master PLAN for the ultimate Salvation of Humanity?
Unpardonable Blasphemy    
It isn’t rare for believers who have sinned, knowingly, to not wonder if that sin didn’t incur that condition beyond which there can be no further forgiveness. Christ Himself made us aware that there is a Sin that cannot be forgiven, Not in this age, nor in the Age to Come.
Is There Universal Salvation?    
It is the position of some that ALL of Humanity will ultimately be brought to Salvation; That none will End their Life Experience Ultimately being excluded from an Eternal Existence by being burned up in a ‘Lake of Fire’.
The Thief on the Cross    
One Simple Sentence has been cited to Interject Profound Considerations into Christian Main-Stream Theological Processes. What Does Christ’s Seemingly Straightforward Assurance Actually Indicate?
Regarding the Holy Spirit    
Profound Theological Considerations Factored into the Christian Thought Stream after the Second Century. The New Testament presents a Comprehensive Picture of What the Early New Testament Church ACTUALLY Believed! (Part Two)
Considering a Friday Crucifixion    
A Careful Reading of the Crucifixion Accounts Provides Many Factors to Consider. Most see in them a Friday Crucifixion with a Sunday Morning Resurrection. Are there Significant Details that Bible Students have Overlooked?
The Millennial Kingdom    
While we rehearse the Thousand Year Kingdom of God on Earth in our minds, There are Profound and Detailed Descriptions of the Millennial Temple Complex and its Services found in the Book of Ezekiel that we should also Examine!
The Abomination of Desolation    
Daniel 11 presents an Incredibly Detailed Prophecy that has more Relevance to the Modern Era than historians realize. Were it not for Christ’s Direct Mention, WE wouldn’t have reason to see the full scope of its Connection with the End Time! The question is, What Do We Look For in Expectation of this Outcome?
The Great White Throne Judgment    
A Great Conundrum to religions of all persuasions is the Enigma of DEATH without any Opportunity for Salvation. Having overlooked Biblical Evidence, Religianity has entangled itself in Confounding and Contradicting Explanations. In fact, Scripture offers answers that Religion can’t provide!
What Do You Mean “FREE”?    
Inherent with the Doctrine of the Resurrections from the Dead is a Co-Dependent Phenomenon identified in Scripture as ‘the Second Death’. How Many Christians Understand what this Unique Penalty Involves?
Defining the Second Death    
Inherent with the Doctrine of the Resurrections from the Dead is a Co-Dependent Phenomenon identified in Scripture as ‘the Second Death’. How Many Christians Understand what this Unique Penalty Involves?
A Shadow of Things to Come!    
One Particular Passage in Colossians 2 is the Focal Point for all who Attempt to Discourage Observance of the Biblical Holydays. Astute Students will see in this Mention a GREATER Significance than is Allowed by ‘Fundamentalists’.
Biblical Predestination    
The Protestant Reformation brought forward many Novel Interpretations. None had more Severe and Disruptive effect on Evangelical Theology than the Commonly Taught Understanding of the subject of Predestination!
Let Me Show You “The BEAST”    
No End-Time Scenario can be comprehensively portrayed without involving the Entity and its Evil Cabal which many refer to as an individual who is typically referred to as: “the Antichrist”.
The Great Throne Judgment    
A Great Conundrum to religions of all persuasions is the Enigma of DEATH without any Opportunity for Salvation. Having overlooked Biblical Evidence, Religianity has entangled itself in Confounding and Contradicting Explanations. In fact, Scripture offers answers that Religion can’t provide!
The Great Innumerable Multitude    
Being Presented as it is, students of Bible Prophecy feel they are left to Deduce who this Vast Assembly actually represents. While much is offered as to their Identity, few take fully into account what the Divine Elder in Chapter 7 clearly explains.
Considering the 144,000 “Firstfruits” of Revelation    
In the Book of Revelation, we’re introduced to a group of Individuals that has proven Enigmatic to Disciples of nearly every persuasion. What is it that we need to consider about their Identity and their Significance in the Plan of God?
The Crucifixion Conundrum    
Much time and effort has been expended in making the case for a Friday Crucifixion. Most denominations are heavily invested in their Traditional teachings on the matter. But, like it or not, there are consequences in getting it wrong!
Considering the Prodigal Son    
That Parable of two sons and their differing Personal Characteristics is a Very Well-Known Story in the greater Christian community. But, Have we fully comprehended the Subtleties of its Message?
The OVERLOOKED Plague    
That Ninth Plague, occurring just before the Deaths of Egypt’s Firstborn of both man and beast, contains Details Essential to the Exodus Narrative.
The Faulty Logic of Antinomianism    
A Key Premise of ‘Fundamentalist’ Persuasions is that Christ Ended the Law, “Nailing IT to His Cross”. The Logical Ramifications of that idea are a Wonder to Behold. We need to Consider what this idea Requires that We Accept.
The Hope of Glory    
An Event in Our Conversion Experience, Grossly Under-reported by the Main Stream Religious World, is Our being Made SPIRIT at the Last Trump. The Event we should Anticipate the MOST Seems to be Understood the Least!
The Fires of Hell    
The Prevailing Opinion in the Christian World is that anyone Unsaved Should Anticipate Spending all Eternity, Fully Conscious, Tormented in an Ever-Burning HELL! Is That Perception TRUE?
Days of Salvation    
Hand in Glove with the Predestination Teaching is the Belief that THIS is the ONLY Day of Salvation. Anyone Not ‘Saved’ TODAY Should Anticipate Spending Eternity in an Ever Burning HELL!? Is That Perception TRUE?
Atonement and the Holy of Holies    
An unusual Event, occurring in the afternoon of the day Christ Died, poses a greater Significance than it is Usually Given. Harking back to the time of Abraham, THE Focal Point of the Ongoing Covenant is Developed to its Fullest Degree as the Veil in the Temple was torn “from above”!
Accessing God’s Holy Spirit    
On the Day of Pentecost, a Phenomenon occurred that changed the Dynamics of our Relationship with God from that day onward. Yet, that was only a Foretaste of Astounding Developments prophesied to Come!
Oh, For the Love of GOD    
Inarguably One of the Vital Components in Our Relationship with GOD is Love, unfortunately, as Misrepresented in Expression, as are other Popular Conceptions of what the Bible Actually Teaches with Respect to Our Relationship Requirements and Gods’ PLAN for Man!
The Prince of Persia Withstood Me!    
A Revealing Statement in Daniel 10 Suggests ‘Behind the Scenes’ Spirit-Level Interactions Not Considered in ANY Secular Historical Accounts.
Passover of the Exodus    
One would regard it Profoundly Unthinkable that most Jews could be Mistaken in their Most Identifying Tradition. Yet, in Passover Observance, we find Major Controversy! What is the True Time for Keeping this Essential Observance?
No Man has Seen GOD    
A Rather Thought Provoking Claim made by Jesus Christ Himself, (also Confirmed by the Apostles), Conveys Potent Implications for those who Believe that God the Father was the only GOD in the Old Testament Era.
Are HOLY DAYS All Done Away?    
Despite Frequent New Testament Reference, Churchgoers Rest Assured in the Common Pronouncement that the Biblical Holydays No Longer have Application in the Christian Era. Is There Proof of this One Way or the Other?
The Great Beast of Daniel 7    
Almost Without Exception, Bible Commentaries Identify the Four Beasts of Daniel 7 as being a Reiteration of those in Daniel 2. The True Identity of those in Daniel 7 are Even More Revealing, When Correctly Understood!
Did Daniel See and Speak with God?    
One Intriguing Prophecy in the Book of Daniel indirectly presents a Most Profound Consideration. Did Daniel encounter, and actually SEE, the Being WE know as the God of the Old Testament, OR was it the God of the New ?
After the Last Trump    
Tim LaHaye’s videotape series on the Rapture holds a Major Segment of the Evangelical World in Riveted Fascination. What’s Infinitely More Fascinating are those Many Prophesied Events that Follow the Seventh (Last) Trumpet.
A First Wave Sheaf Offering   
Though an essential factor in the Spring Holy Days, this particular Offering is no longer performed as it was under the Levitical Ceremonial System of observances. Also, there was a change in practice later on from how it was originally instructed.
Being Given a Reprobate Mind   
The First Chapter of Romans analyzes a Relevant Condition in human thinking, that of Reprobate Mindedness. In the Modern Era, we’re witnessing an obvious manifestation of this condition. Are we willing to admit that it’s what it is?
The Mystery of Iniquity   
Paul’s letter to the Thessalonians explains a factor in the World Condition that was limited in their day, but would be a Major Factor as the End-Time approached.
When Pentecost Had Fully Come!   
Those with background in Holy Day Observances, find there are many Diverging Opinions as to which Traditions are valid. Not the least of which is the method of determining which is the True Day of Pentecost.
Introducing the Final World Power   
In the Early Eighth Century BC, the Elder Statesman Daniel was given an Extraordinary Vision, which we read of in Daniel Chapter 7. We are Now on the Threshold of the Emergence of that Final Beast portrayed in his Vision!
Origins and Dispersions   
A great deal of research has been done concerning the identities of the so-called “Lost Ten Tribes of Israel”. These are not ethnic “Jews” and they never were. Much of the religious world is willfully unaware of the significance of these Ten Tribes and their prophesied place in the End of the Age.
Messages to the Seven Churches of Asia   
Spoken directly to the Churches by Christ Himself, many Profound Subliminal Messages come through to those “who have the ears to hearRd.
Considering Israel’s Blindness   
The Apostle Paul’s assessment of His personal ethnicity’s Spiritual Condition presents us with a Profound set of Considerations as it relates to the Timing of ALL of Israel being given opportunity to be brought into God’s Eternal Family.
Kings of the North and the South   
Late in his Career, the Elder Statesman Daniel was given another Vision, which we read of in Daniel Chapter 11. In this, we’re given Insightful Information on the Actions of the Final Beast Power portrayed in his Most Extraordinary Vision!
Kings of Europe and the 7th Restoration   
End-Time Prophecy fascinates Bible Students of nearly every persuasion. We know of them, but their identities seem to be so elusive. Could it be that though they’re right before us, they’re hidden behind unthinkable conclusions?
Elders Indeed!   
If we could identify that factor in our Organizational Culture which explains the continuing tendency to divide, what might it be? Are we missing a component in our organizational structure that would make a significant difference?
Earth and Heaven Fled Away!   
A Particularly Enigmatic Passage is found in Revelation Chapter 20, verse 11, Which Presents a Picture of a REAL Future Event. Who can explain what it Means?
Beasts Rise Out of the Sea!   
Late in his Career, the Elder Statesman Daniel was given another Extraordinary Vision, which we read of in Daniel Chapter Seven. We are Now on the Threshold of the Emergence of that Final Beast portrayed in his Vision!
Some Fell on Stony Ground   
We tend to view the passage in Mark 4 as referring to the conditions in Society. But when it comes to the “Good Ground” reference, how can we reasonably expect that society can in any way provide that Spiritual Growth Environment?
Gog and Magog in Prophecy   
Evangelical Religious groups have for decades identified these Eurasian Powers as being the Soviet Union and its Asian allies. What they have failed to factor into their Emphatic Prophetic Scenarios is the intentions and the actual timeframe of these people’s invasion of the Land of Israel.
Being Given a Reprobate Mind   
The First Chapter of Romans analyzes a Relevant Condition in human thinking, that of Reprobate Mindedness. In the Modern Era, we’re witnessing an obvious manifestation of this condition. Are we willing to admit that it’s what it is?
Congregational Integrity  
In the Modern Era, much has been tried to show how Churches are best governed. History has proven that the Best Intentioned Ideas of MEN are Dysfunctional when compared to the Practical early New Testament Church.
Moses Wrote of ME   
A Seemingly Offhand Comment by Jesus Himself Poses Greater Significance than it’s given as it Relates to the Question of WHO Was the God of the Old Testament AND also to the Matter of Christ’s Pre-Incarnate Existence.
Grace upon Grace   
While we focus primarily on the Grace versus Law issue (and well we should), the more obvious aspect of the Grace of God is given much lesser notice. What are we missing in this All-Important Phenomenon?
The Doctrine of Deacons   
As the Early Church grew, various functions were identified and given names. Those named functions were later re-defined to support a growing idea that Selected Saints were ‘Ordained’ into an Authoritarian Structure. We will consider how the word ‘Deacon’ was used to support such thinking.
Paul’s Real Position on the Law    
Widely Considered as the Major Advocate of the Anti-Law Position, the Apostle whose Theological Premises were Highly Subject to being “Wrested” actually had Much to Say Regarding Our Obligation Toward GOD’s Laws.
Have We Lost Our First Love?    
If we could identify that factor in our Organizational Culture which explains the continuing tendency to divide, what might it be? Are we missing a component in our organizational structure that would make a significant difference?
Revelation 14:20 is not the Battle of Armageddon    
We can’t fault our eminent teachers entirely for what is found to be a common misconception among religious Scholars and their many Reference Works relied upon by so much of the Christian Community.
The Enigma of New Covenant Advocates    
A MAJOR Premise among some Protestant Evangelicals is that WE no longer need to Keep the Law as Christ ‘Fulfilled’ it in our stead. Not only do we not need to keep it, but that Jesus instituted an Entirely NEW Moral Code in its Place.
The Right Hand of Fellowship    
As the Early Church began to Develop its Outreach, Decisions were made that also give us a Glimpse into the relationships among and between Leading Ministers. Is there anything in their approach we ought to consider appropriate for our time?
Seven Aspects of Repentance    
The Apostle Paul, a man of High Intellect, often wrote things that are Profound in their Comprehensiveness. Relating one Extraordinary Event, we’re given a glimpse into the Emotional Responses involved in the Process of Repentance.
Let Your Women Keep Silence    
Long-Standing Tradition, in Churches of nearly Every Persuasion Generally Excludes Women from serving in Pastoral Capacities. What is the Source of Our ongoing Prohibition Against Women Speakers?
The Great Transition    
While MUCH has been given in Scripture regarding the Millennial Age, there is still much to be pieced together to explain how that Age will Transition into the Next!
Many are Called, Few are Chosen    
This Well-Known Saying evokes Profound Questions. What’s the Distinction between these Terms and What Advantage does being ‘Chosen’ Suggest?
Churches NEED Overseers    
Have We EVER Considered what effect having an Oversight Body would have on the Overall Integrity and Ethical Conduct of our Organizations? Why do we think it so inappropriate for there to be Overseers? Does the Bible speak to this?
What About the BEMA Seat Judgment?    
The Evangelical World often makes reference to a Term which the Church of God, for the most part, is not familiar with. What IS the BEMA Seat, how does it differ from the White Throne Judgment and how does this particular “judgment” correlate with our understanding of a Christian’ s Destiny?
Examining the Biblical Model of Government    
Much has been said to this point regarding what was wrong with “Government” as it was practiced in the Worldwide organization. We now should investigate What the New Testament sets forth regarding this Important subject.
Heaven and Hell, or a Real Future?    
Among the Most Prevalent Subjects in all of Christianity, the Eternal Destination of the Human Soul occupies First Place in Interest of Believers. Why are Churches so Adamant on a Subject where Scriptures are so Unclear?
What Happens at Death?    
“If a man die, shall he live again? All the days of my appointed time will I wait, til my change come.” (Job 14:14) Though perhaps being the most Enigmatic Question of all time, It has a Clear and Comforting Biblical Answer!
The Final Judgment  
That Impending Event which evokes Great Apprehension among a majority of People remains generally misunderstood even among Main Stream Christians. When will the “Final Judgment” actually take place?
Identifying the True Biblical Faith 
What Christian Denomination could we name that doesn’t regard itself as being a true and faithful rendition of the religion of the New Testament?
Woe Be To The Shepherds    
The Prophet Ezekiel, with God’s Specific Instruction, Presents Potent Corrections on the way His Ministers have Dealt with His Sheep and their Negligence of their Responsibilities Toward Them!
“…and Woe Be To The Sheep”  
The Modern Era of God’s Church was provided Extraordinary opportunity and means of Proclaiming the Gospel to the World. Unfortunately, it also developed within itself a Culture containing the Elements of its own Demise!
Great Battles in Prophecy  
Christian Eschatology is replete with Posed Explanations as to how “the End of the World” will play out. Many Scenarios are built around Prophecies applied to situations to which they may or may not actually relate. We should carefully examine each of these Prophecies to be certain that they’re applied accurately and in their proper timeframes.
The Harvest of Ingathering  
James’ Epistle mentions an important aspect regarding the opportunity for salvation, that there IS to be More than One Day of Salvation and Harvest of Souls. What does this mean as it involves the Redemption of Unconverted Humanity?
The Harvest of Firstfruits  
James’ Epistle refers to important aspects regarding the redemption experience, that we are ultimately to become “…a kind of firstfruits of His creatures”. What does this mean as it involves Believers in this New Testament Era?
Calendar Polarities  
In some Fellowships, great emphasis is placed on a particular method of determining what is called the "Sacred Calendar". An amazing array of opinions have emerged over the years, particularly in recent decades, which have injected divisions among brethren that need not be. Numerous opinions exist within our Fellowship Sphere of what is the 'True Calendar'? Saints are divided over Issues which are in many cases largely Unsupported Conjecture. How do we respond to these challenges? What is the solution to this apparent intractable condition?
Why Stand We In Jeopardy Every Hour?   Considering the Background of Paul’s Lament   
Amazing Conclusions have been made regarding this Enigmatic Statement. Does the Apostle Paul advocate one person being Baptized on behalf of Another? Or, Was his REAL point something more practical and entirely different? What does this mean to US today?
Why Must Satan be Released from Prison?   
Revelation 20 shows Satan being Held in the Bottomless Pit for 1000 Years. For WHAT Possible Reason will He be Released Again After the Millennium?
What Christ Said About Himself   
Those Who Hold that Jesus Christ WASN’T God and that He Never Made Such a Claim Need to Consider the Many Amazing Direct Statements Spoken to and through the Beloved Elder Apostle John in the Book of Revelation.
The 14th Chapter of Revelation  
This Revealing Chapter steps aside from the Book’s sequential narrative to present an Oblique Look at the three Main Segments of Humanity, as it Relates to being awarded their Just and Due Rewards. Has Religion fully appreciated its Comprehensiveness? Encapsulated within this one Chapter is a Message Profoundly Revealing with respect to God’s Plan for the Salvation of ALL the World’s Un-evangelized Masses.
Blood to the Horse Bridles  
A most Astounding Visual Picture is Presented in Revelation 14:20 of a Flow of Blood, as Deep as Horses’ Bridles, extending out for 1600 Furlongs.  What Extraordinary Event is being Described Here, and is it a Reality?
I See “Napkin People”  
Two Potent Parables, given by Christ, illustrate an all too Common Approach people take. What is Most Unfortunate is when Religious Institutions work to Encourage and even Enforce ‘laying-up’ ones’ God Given Talents!
Dispensations of God’s Holy Spirit  
“If any man have not the Spirit of Christ, he is none of His”! (Romans 8:9) Scripture reveals a most fascinating situation with regard to the Emerging Availability of this Essential Element in the Salvation of Humanity.
A Whole NEW Paradigm: The Doctrine of ‘the Father and the Son’!  
With Volatile Issues abundant, the Early NT Church didn't need More things to have to Debate. Yet One Issue was Always 'Right There' Waiting to Erupt. Few have noted the Extreme Genius Exhibited by New Testament writers in Modifying the Fundamental Perceptual Parameters of Who Elohim Is.
Whosoever Will May Come 
Evangelical Christians, who hold that This is the ONLY Day of Salvation, often Refer to a Passage in John 7 and another in the benediction of Revelation 22 to allege that Anyone who wishes May Come to the LORD!
“Explaining the Differences”
When called upon to explain how Church of God beliefs differ from main stream belief systems, a regard for 'the Sabbath and Holydays' is often denoted as prime example. With most, this can be a conversation ender. They may mean a lot to those who are aware of their historic and prophetic relevance, but the general religious public usually sees these as archaic and downright irrelevant in this 'evangelical' age.     more...
Authority and Submission  
A Major Factor in the Church of God, even in the Present Era, is the Dynamic of the Authority granted to the ministry. Certain organizations have declared that “It’s all about Government”. What role does “Government” rightfully play in the Church, and How should WE Respond to it?
Two Kinds of Faith  
Christians Everywhere Recognize the Absolute Necessity of Having TRUE and Demonstrable Faith. Faith can find Expression in a Number of Ways. But, What Kind of Faith Must We Have in order to be Acceptable Before God?
Grace, Works and Reward 
Failure on the part of Theologians to Comprehend the Full Auspices of Grace Can Confound the average Worshipper as to What Response is Appropriate on the part of Those who Truly Have Been Brought Under Grace.
The Endtime Martyrdom of the Saints  
A Matter of Great Interest and a Teaching receiving Major Embrace in the Church involves Saints being Protected in the very End Time. Under-Explained is the Contrasting Situation seen in Revelation's Fifth Seal.
The Famine of the WORD 
A prediction made in one of the Minor Prophets, Regarded as having Special Relevance in the End Time, is Used by Some to Justify Personal Lethargy! How should we Respond to this Condition?
The Nature of God's Spirit 
It wasn't all that far into the New Testament Era before Gnostic Teachings and Judaic Beliefs began being Blended into Fundamental Christian Theology. The Result Being that We today are Afflicted with Contradicting Belief Systems as to the True 'Nature of God'. But in order to Correctly Understand this matter,We Must first Acquaint ourselves with the Nature of His Spirit.
What's WORKS Got to DO with it?  
Despite this title's poorly worded English, this Paper considers the Question that seems to Provoke such an Averse Reaction among Evangelicals. Does their position Against our Doing ANY Works reflect a Correct Understanding?
How Many Beings in the Godhead?
The Longest running Controversy in Judeao / Christian Religion is the matter of the Identity of Jesus Christ. His also being God Divides Judaic Theology from Christian Theology as does No Other Issue. These items below present many concise reasons why the Church of God accepts His Personal Divinity. Here are more than 40 Reasons to Believe In Jesus’ Divinity!
The Great Commission
A Well-Known Passage of Scripture defines for us what Christ Expects His Faithful Disciples to Continually be Doing while Awaiting His Return. Have WE in any way Diminished its Scope in the Modern Era?
The Faith Once Delivered   
A Surprising Number of Doctrinal Teachings became Passé in the centuries following the Descent of the Early New Testament Church into Apostasy. What Changed and where did those Changes originate?
Behind the Curtain of Exclusivism   
Few Attitudes that Churches employ Inhibit Fellowship to the Degree as does the Characteristic found in the WCG Genre. Under the Guise of Preserving Unity, the Church STILL continues to Promote a very Detrimental Posture among Members.
The Other Five Virgins   
Matthew 25 Presents a Wedding Scenario that has long been Understood in the Context of JUST our being Saved or Lost. Actually, there’s More to this Message than meets the Casual Eye. What REAL Point is Jesus Making?
“We Are Not ‘Under the Law’ ! ”
Perhaps THE Most Familiar Teaching in the Entire New Testament. At the Same Time, One of the Most Misrepresented and Misunderstood. What Did the Apostle Paul Actually Mean When He used the Term: ‘Under the Law’?
Why the Ceremonial LAW?
“Done Away for Good and for All Time.” This is the Chant of Traditional Christians of nearly every Persuasion regarding the Old Covenant worship system. WHY did God give the LAW to Israel in the First Place? And, Will it be among the ‘All Things’ that are to be ‘RESTORED’ under Christ? ( Matthew 17:11 & Acts 1:6 )   
“Celebrating the PROMISED LAND” Understanding Joshua 5:11
Despite there Being NO Pointed and Direct Mention of a Wave Sheaf Ceremony, the Church of God Continues to Experience the Effects of a Rather Impromptu Conclusion, Based on Little More Than a Series of Presumptions!
Growing in the Grace of the Lord
The Concluding Verse of the Epistle of 2nd Peter Admonishes the Established Christian to “Grow in Grace..” How Many Correctly Understand What This Requirement Involves? If Grace is ONLY the Unmerited Forgiveness of Sins, How Do We Grow In It?
"And the Watch Was Set"
In the long running controversy as to whether the Crucifixion was on a Friday or on a Wednesday, many informative passages have been overlooked. This article takes into account specific details concerning this important event, left out of the story as related by the predominant religious community.
The Significance of the term, "The Selfsame Day"
A Unique and Distinct Expression found in the Old Testament, one which hasn’t been fully understood, and yet has affected a number of important Doctrines having bearings on New Testament Theology!
Hebrew Calendar Development© John Lemley, a CG7 minister 
Many Assumptions Factor into Peoples’ Positions Regarding that ‘True’ Calendar by which we should Observe God’s Annual Feasts. Fundamental to Most is the Assumption that the Calendar has Remained Unchanged throughout History.
The Doctrine of Antichrist
Toward the end of the first century, a growing heresy began taking form, seriously impacting the Church of God. The Apostle John warned those who were faithful, of its danger. Few heeded, and the Church gradually accepted a theological position that disregarded one of the essential Truths of all time.
Passover and the Bride
Most Bible Students are aware that God was Married to Israel. It is also Well Established that Christ will Marry the Church. The Question is, Did He ever Formally Propose Marriage to His Beloved Institution?
One of the Most Unexplainable and Misunderstood Theological Constructs to Ever be Imposed upon the Church. The profound yet essential question, Was God actually made Flesh in Christ?
Who is The Ancient of Days?
This question, most would regard as having an obvious answer. In fact, the passage presents details that warrant a much closer look. What revealing information does this prophecy in Daniel chapter 7 offer? How did a quote from this chapter contribute to Christ’s Condemnation?
The Enigmatic “Second - First Sabbath” of Luke 6:1
This Misapplied and Little Understood Narrative In Luke Chapter 6 Suggests To Some That Christ BROKE THE LAW. Others See In It a Reference as to How To Determine Wavesheaf In Those Occasional Years When PASSOVER Falls On a SABBATH. What Important Information Does This Passage REALLY Present?
The Resurrections from the Dead
According to Hebrews Chapter 6, the 'Resurrection from the Dead' is identified as one of six Fundamental Christian Doctrines. To fully fathom this Essential Truth, we need to examine carefully the other Resurrection as revealed in: Revelation 20 and John 5.
The ‘Rejected’ Resurrection
Despite Significant Mention, Even By Christ Himself, This Resurrection Has Been Disregarded and Pointedly Ignored by the Religious Establishment, As It Finds No Place in Their Cherished Theological Scenarios. Why will the ancient Ninevites Condemn this generation?
Understanding the THREE Resurrections
Many in God’s Church have serious difficulty fully explaining the Doctrine of the Resurrections from the Dead. Our Counterparts in the Catholic and Protestant World find the matter to be even more Theologically Formidable!
What Regard Should We Have for “PAULINE THEOLOGY”?
A Pharisee of Pharisees, trained at the feet of Gamaliel, a man of profound intellect, called, tried and inspired of God as few men ever were, eventually becoming 'Apostle to the Gentiles', and writing more New Testament Scripture than any other person, yet Paul's theology was fundamentally misconstrued even in his own day!
"IF you are Christ's, then are you Abraham's seed and heirs according to the Promise" (Galatians 3:29 NKJ) What was that Promise, what were the Two Things that guaranteed it, and why are so many completely unaware of its relevance under ‘New Covenant’ theology?
For As In Adam, All Die!
A Seemingly Easy to Understand Reference in 1st Corinthians 15:22 Lays Before the Believer a Profound Consideration. Without Question, All Die and All Without Exception, Unless they are Found 'In Christ'! Why do Some Disagree?
“I Am of Paul, I Am of Apollos!”
Despite Pointed and Direct Scriptures, the Church of God Continues to Suffer the Effects of a Contaminant Brought into it By Our Basic Natures, Except that Today, We See the Phenomenon Developed to Its Highest Form!
The HOPE of “The Last Great Day”
A MAJOR Component in the Plan of God is illustrated in a Separate Holyday: the Seventh, Yet One which Remains ‘Well Off the Screen’ when it comes to being Understood by the ‘Accepted’ Religious Community! WHY are so many unable to see the Significance of this Day?
Ready for the RAPTURE
A Popular Book and Video Series Has Captured the Attention of Christians Nearly Everywhere. Surprisingly, it is the Rare Individual Who Has ‘Searched the Scriptures, Whether These Things Be So’ ! Isn't It Time We Did That? Are YOU ‘Left Behind’ on things you COULD know?
What MUST I Do? Is Any "PERFORMANCE" Required of the Christian?
Is Any “PERFORMANCE” Required of the Christian? The Typical Christian, Understanding that We are not Saved BY Works, is then Disinclined to Accept ANY Suggestion that Works are in any way Required under the New Covenant. A Number of Scriptures Address the Subject Directly. Many, it seems, Would Prefer they be Left Unmentioned.
The DEADLY Revelation in PSALM 110
Few Scriptural Passages have had such Profound Impact upon both Old and New Testament Theology as it relates to the “Nature of God”. It proved to be the major “Got-ya” of all time! Christ knew it and used it effectively, as did Paul the Apostle. What ’essential’ does this Key Verse and Chapter expose?
Apostasy’s Accomplice
The Great Apostasy, after the First Century, is a well documented Event. But, when We focus JUST on its Doctrinal Component, We overlook the Phenomenon that facilitated the Errant Drift!
Tares Among the Wheat
A Consideration in any Congregation is the Intermingling of False Brethren. Scripture Discusses Two Similar Looking but Distinctly Different Plants used to Represent Different Loyalties and Opposing Agendas.
The Everlasting Covenant
Most People See the ‘New Covenant’ as being the Epitome of Development within the Overall Plan of God. Those not Destined to be Called in this Age, and Who Seem Excluded from it, will discover HOPE in a Most Ancient Ceremony.
Discovering the WAVE SHEAF Offering
Despite Biblical Mention of the Wave Sheaf Offering Being Extremely RARE, this Important Harvest Ceremony Factors into Christian Theology in ways Not Obvious to the Average Worshipper! Listen online
The Beast Makes WAR on the Saints (When You SEE the Abomination of Desolation)
A Companion Article Identifies the 4th BEAST of Daniel 7 and Revelation 13. Continuing the Subject, This Article Investigates what the Scriptures Say as to the BEAST’s Brutal Crusade Against the ‘Saints of the Most High’!
“ABSENT From the Body and PRESENT With the Lord!”
A Well Known Passage in Second Corinthians 5 Has Become almost a Cliché for Those Who Anticipate Being Taken To Heaven After This Life is Over. What Does This Potent Passage Actually Establish?
A Special ‘Ambiance’ Exists Among the True Saints of God. Those in Fellowship with the Father and the Son Have Access into an Exclusive Fellowship with One Another, and Enjoy the Unique Benefits of a Common Relationship.
“The Reward of the Saved?”
To Those within the Embrace of Orthodox ‘Grace Theology’, the Indication of a Personal Reward associated with Salvation seems oddly Out of Place. What Reward should Christians anticipate receiving at the Second Coming?
The Nicolaitan Factor  
Identified in the Book of Revelation, this Party of ‘Progressive’ Individuals is pointedly identified as Promoting a Culture within God's Church that Christ specifically says, “He HATES!” The question is, Do We?
The Ultimate Plan of God for World Salvation
- This SIX MESSAGE Series will tell you what your Sunday School Teacher never told you- What God Reveals thru His Annual Fall Holydays
Government in the Church and Member Responsibility
- This THREE MESSAGE series considers the condition of the Church of God today. What happened, why it happened, and what that means for us now. It examines the factors that led to the demise of the most successful organization in the modern era, and the factors that led to our power being scattered. We were trained, we were tested and yet an important phase remains to be accomplished. What should our congregations be doing as we await the end of this age?

Many additional topics are available directly from the author. Please review the master listing and advise by email or snailmail of your interests. A current listing can also be sent by snailmail or email (see below). Thank you for your interest.

Author and Son

Web site author and son John with the camp mascot at Camp McKenzie, Oregon. This author loved Biblical Truth from an early age and coming into contact with a ministry within the True Church in 1961 was provided a base of understanding of God's Truth second to none at the time. The rapid apostasy of that Church of God organization in the mid 1990's provided motivation to re-study and re-affirm the fundamentals once again, providing a quantum leap in faith and understanding, developing a broadened fellowship with all who share God's Spirit and have a sincere desire for God's Truth and Way of Life.

How to contact the author:

Rich Traver
P. O. Box 1411,
Clifton, CO 81520-1411

Q & A From Our Website Visitors:

Many fascinating points of doctrine are left aside by the modern religious world. An in-depth study by sincere believers will soon uncover many startling truths.

It is the intent of this website’s many articles to fill-in those areas typically left out of the picture by our major religious establishments. Inevitably, this will generate questions.

This section presents a selection of insightful questions posed by our many site browsers and readers.

CLICK HERE for a review of those many questions and comments.

Prophecy and Today's News
Events of Consequence

Consider these possible precursor issues concerning prophetic "Later Days".

Updated April 4, 2010

From global warming to evolution, psychology to sociology, corruption runs deep


February 4, 2010

If your faith in today's scientific establishment was shaken recently by successive waves of fraud on the part of climate scientists - from systematically suppressing evidence of global cooling, to attempting to erase the Middle Ages, to falsely claiming the Himalayan glaciers were rapidly melting - get ready for more scientific corruption, a lot more. As Whistleblower reveals in its groundbreaking February issue - titled "HIJACKING SCIENCE" - global warming is just the tip of the science-fraud iceberg. Politically and financially motivated pseudo-science is widespread and utterly out of control, extending far beyond climate research and into virtually every major scientific field. Indeed, this Whistleblower issue is subtitled, "From global warming to evolution, from psychology to sociology, blatant corruption of science is running rampant." To give you a taste of "HIJACKING SCIENCE," did you know: * The world's largest association of psychologists not only endorses same-sex marriage, but actually promoted adult-child sex as healthy in its peer-reviewed journal?

Read the entire article

An Inconvenient Verdict for Al Gore

The verdict couldn't have come at a less convenient time for Al Gore. One day before Friday's announcement that he was a co-winner of the Nobel Peace Prize, a British High Court judge ruled that Gore's global warming film, "An Inconvenient Truth," while "broadly accurate," contained nine significant errors.

An Inconvenient Verdict for Al Gore

Fewer Americans See Solid Evidence of Global Warming

There has been a sharp decline over the past year in the percentage of Americans who say there is solid evidence that global temperatures are rising. And fewer also see global warming as a very serious problem – 35% say that today, down from 44% in April 2008.

Read Pew Research Center article

Harvard astrophysicist: Sunspot Activity Correlates To Global Climate Change
General Sciences
By Rick C. Hodgin
Friday, April 10, 2009 13:12

Boston (MA) - Harvard astrophysicist Dr. Willie Soon tells us that Earth has seen a reduced level of sunspot activity for the past 18 months, and is currently at the lowest levels seen in almost a century. Dr. Soon says "The sun is just slightly dimmer and has been for about the last 18 months. And that is because there are very few sunspots." He says when the sun has less sunspots, it gives off less energy, and the Earth tends to cool. He notes 2008 was a cold year for this very reason, and that 2009 may be cold for the same.

As of today, there have been 15 days in a row without any sunspots. In 2008 there were 266 days scattered throughout the year without sunspots, and in 2007 there were 163 days without sunspots. These are the #2 and #9 fewest sunspots years seen since 1911.

Dr. Soon's field of specialty is the sun. He explains that sunspots are planet-sized pockets of magnetism with much greater energy output and matter expulsion, some of which strikes the Earth's atmosphere as extra energy from the sun. He says when sunspots are present, the temperature goes up, when they are not present the temperature goes down. He also told a reporter at WBZ, CBS TV 38 (in Boston, MA) that beginning in 1645 and continuing through 1715, there were no observed sunspots. This is the period known as the Little Ice Age.

Read the entire article

Shocker: "Global warming" is simply no longer happening!! Temperatures dropping, fewer hurricanes, arctic ice growing, polar bear population up

Posted: March 22, 2009 9:56 pm Eastern

© 2009 WorldNetDaily

 WASHINGTON – This may come as bad news for Al Gore and his leftist ilk.

The modest global warming trend has stopped – maybe even reversed itself.

And it's not just the record low temperatures experienced in much of the world this winter.

For at least the last five years, global temperatures have been falling, according to tracking performed by Roy Spencer, the climatologist formerly of NASA.

"Global warming" was going to bring more and more horrific hurricanes, climate change scientists and the politicians who subscribed to their theories said. But since 2005, only one major hurricane has struck North America.

A new study by Florida State University researcher Ryan Maue shows worldwide cyclone activity – typhoons, as well as hurricanes – has reached at least a 30-year low.

Read the entire article

The Importance of Iraq in Biblical and Secular History

The following historical facts regarding Iraq in history, are very interesting:

  1. The Garden of Eden was in Iraq.
  2. Mesopotamia, which is now Iraq, was the so-called "cradle of civilization."
  3. Noah built the ark in Iraq.
  4. The Tower of Babel was in Iraq.
  5. Abraham was from Ur, which is in Southern Iraq.
  6. Isaac's wife, Rebekah, is from Nahor, which is in Iraq.
  7. Jacob met Rachel in Iraq.
  8. The Prophet Jonah preached in Nineveh, warning the people of impending disaster, which is in Iraq.

read the rest here

When Free Speech Isn't Free

Nathan Tabor Posted: Wednesday May 30,2007 - 07:32:00 pm ... The right to free speech is one of the most convoluted issues of our day. On one hand, liberals insist that every obscenity and pornographic display needs to be protected under the sacred mantle of free speech. Yet, on the other hand, they want to turn criticism of same sex marriage into a crime and public prayer into a cause for condemnation.


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