Gleaning Topics of Interest and Relevance to God's Called and True Saints
Expounding upon the Faith Once Delivered
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March 8, 2025 sermon entitled Primitive Christianity in Britain Establishing a Deep Underlayment - 53 minutes
February 8, 2025 sermon entitled Revelation 12 in review Revealing what happened with True Christianity. - 57 minutes
January 4, 2025 sermon entitled Joseph of Arimathea Our Father’s Nobilis Decurio - 55 minutes
November 30, 2024 sermon entitled Our Remarkable Journey What an Amazing Life! - 37 minutes
November 2, 2024 sermon entitled The Second Death Experience Bringing Humanity to the Final sentencing Event: The “White Cloud Harvest” The Scene at the Third Resurrection. - 36 minutes
October 24, 2024 sermon entitled The Great Mystery Revealed Explaining the Second Resurrection Experience - 49 minutes
October 12, 2024 sermon entitled Achieving Full Atonement Bridging the great gulf - dealing with sin - 36 minutes
September 28, 2024 sermon entitled Comprehending God’s Spirit Examining the Viability of a Three-Person Godhead – Partaking of the Divine Nature - 44 minutes
August 31, 2024 sermon entitled It Wasn’t Saint Nicholas Effectively diminishing the Spiritual Growth of God’s Elect - 40 minutes
August 3, 2024 sermon entitled Sacred Cow Tipping How we get our religions – Roots/Divergences/Convergences - 42 minutes
July 6, 2024 sermon entitled Stir Up the Gift Don’t waste an opportunity / Seize the moment - 17 minutes
July 6, 2024 sermon entitled Beginning of the Creation of God What Does this passage in Revelation chapter three ultimately reveal? - 22 minutes
June 22, 2024 sermon entitled The Time of Jacob’s Trouble A period comes for the correction of Jacob. Who is Jacob? - 36 minutes
June 1, 2024 sermon entitled Into All the World and Preach the Gospel Recognizing opportunities to plant seed = effective witnessing - 46 minutes
May 18, 2024 sermon entitled Recognizing Jesus’ Commission Sent to the TEN TRIBES – a sour mutual regard among “His Own” - 47 minutes
April 23, 2024 sermon entitled Lessons of the Atonement Ceremony All sins will be dealt with – no remission without repentance - 46 minutes
April 20, 2024 sermon entitled Don’t be Too Righteouss Majoring in the Minors / Minoring in the Majors - 28 minutes
April 6, 2024 sermon entitled Passover of the New Testament Affirming the Correct Christian Tradition - 50 minutes
March 16, 2024 sermon entitled The Epistle to the Colossians Refuting Gnostic Infiltration in the Early New Testament Church - 46 minutes
February 17, 2024 sermon entitled The Rise of the CAREER and the FALL of the “False Prophet” Who IS the Antichrist? - 33 minutes
January 20, 2024 sermon entitled Daniel Eleven, The Career of the Beast Dual Fulfillment of the Chapter - 49 minutes
December 23, 2023 sermon entitled Daniel Seven and Daniel Two (Forming the Ten Toes} Are they describing the Same thing? - 55 minutes
November 25, 2023 sermon entitled Paul’s Letter to the Galatians A circumstance that continues even today! - 51 minutes
October 28, 2023 sermon entitled Stuck in a Proverbial Rut Coming to a more comprehensive understanding of God’s Master Plan - 31 minutes
October 14, 2023 sermon entitled Woman Caught in Adultery Was this on the Last Day? - 16 minutes
October 7, 2023 sermon entitled God’s Great Call (LGD 2023) Commemorating the Ultimate Phase of Redemption. The Eighth Day! - 56 minutes
September 16, 2023 sermon entitled The Blast that Lasts What will change after the 7th Trumpet Sounds? - 54 minutes
August 26, 2023 sermon entitled Who Are the 144,000? Ignorance of the Millennial Kingdom has left the religious world unsure. - 37 minutes
July 29, 2023 sermon entitled The Veil Untaken Away Purposeful Phenomenon that we Wouldn’t Expect - 36 minutes
June 17, 2023 sermon entitled The Judgment How it impacts spending eternity in heaven - 52 minutes
May 28, 2023 sermon entitled Fully Comprehending God’s Spirit The existence of all things vs. the spiritual component within us. - 43 minutes
May 20, 2023 sermon entitled Significance of the Wave Sheaf Offering The KEY to the Holy Day Calendar and the Plan of Redemption.The observance as it is seen in the New Testament. - 49 minutes
April 22, 2023 sermon entitled Responding to Your Calling How do we go about making our calling and election sure? - 55 minutes
April 12, 2023 sermon entitled Living Unleavened Exhibiting its qualities both congregationally and personally, not just putting out physical leaven. - 40 minutes
March 4, 2023 sermon entitled Preparing a People Implementing God’s Plan for Redemption - 46 minutes
February 11, 2023 sermon entitled Religious Predilections (God’s Clandestine Purpose for Israel) Explaining the ultimate reason for the divided monarchy and captivities of the Twelve Tribes. - 64 minutes
January 14, 2023 sermon entitled Motivating Insult Appreciating the benefits of correction. Staying awake in a confused and confusing world. - 50 minutes
December 10, 2022 sermon entitled ‘Tis the Season (Who Were These Guys?) The incredible story of the Magistanes (Magi), the Wise Men of the East. - 51 minutes
November 12, 2022 sermon entitled Mystifying GRACE v. Mis-defined Grace A Divine phenomenon not adequately understood - Examining the full extent of God’s love and provision. - 54 minutes
October 8, 2022 sermon entitled What the Fall Festivals Reveal The Open Opportunity Period for All Who Have Ever Lived Revealing Salvation's Mysteries - 43 minutes
September 10, 2022 sermon entitled An Even Greater Disappointment What is our responsibility to the disillusioned, even those sincere but misled believers? Will they be ready then to listen, or will they crash and burn spiritually? - 39 minutes
August 13, 2022 sermon entitled Ancient Message for Today Seven Churches of Revelation and the Warning to Laodicea. Weeping and gnashing of teeth are a reaction of those who at some point had been called! - 41 minutes
July 16, 2022 sermon entitled On Embracing Judaism Did Christianity emerge from Judaism? Why are some Christian people attracted to it? Is any version of that belief system an authentic representation of the God-given religion? - 59 minutes
June 5, 2022 sermon entitled Pentecost's Connections A Day of Power & Empowerment - 34 minutes
May 14, 2022 sermon entitled Assessing Personal Responsiveness The state of our denomination. How did we get that way? - 51 minutes
April 22, 2022 sermon entitled The Last Day of Unleavened Bread Lessons more for us than them. The greatest miracle, the greatest military disaster of all time. - 31 minutes
March 19, 2022 sermon entitled Living IN the Spirit Developing our ‘personal relationship’ with Jesus Christ. We are NOT our own, we are bought with a price! - 44 minutes
February 19, 2022 sermon entitled Religious Reasoning and Illogical Conclusions Modern worship without the Word. What about the “Lord’s Supper”? What was it really? “Why do you call Me “Lord, Lord” and not do the things which I say”? - 53 minutes
January 29, 2022 sermon entitled First Century Beliefs Issues; A Two-Person Godhead Any "Third Person" idea was never considered until the early 4th century. - 53 minutes
December 25, 2021 sermon entitled Islands in the Stream Remaining steadfast in times of trouble - 44 minutes
November 27, 2021 sermon entitled Prophecies of our Time Assessing what to anticipate. Understanding the onset of “Jacob’s Trouble” - 55 minutes
October 30, 2021 sermon entitled Considering Our Situation The mileu in which we live - 53 minutes
October 2, 2021 sermon entitled An Ezekiel Review A sure promise to Israel to be fulfilled during the millennial age. - 52 minutes
September 28, 2021 sermon entitled The Eighth Day How God will provide a real opportunity for the rest of the dead - 48 minutes
September 9, 2021 sermon entitled The KEY EVENT in Implementing World Salvation Revelation 11 explains the major things that will occur at and after the Second Coming. - 32 minutes
Aughst 28, 2021 sermon entitled The Greatest Gift You Can Give: True Information. What constitutes Conversion? Chosen for God's Service and remaining Faithful to the End! - 52 minutes
Aughst 7, 2021 sermon entitled Trust the PLAN All human agendas will be subordinated to God’s Plan for humanity. - 44 minutes
July 17, 2021 sermon entitled Watchmen on the Wall Our shared obligation / Walking Circumspectly - 43 minutes
June 19, 2021 sermon entitled Dealing with Disillusionment Realizing and coping with the challenges of our time - 43 minutes
May 29, 2021 sermon entitled The BIGGER Picture: Vignettes of End-Time Prophecy Considering end-time events with more focus than is typically presented. Exposing the power that rules this present world - 51 minutes
May 1, 2021 sermon entitled OUR Wilderness Years Being faithful to the end - lessons for our admonition - 52 minutes
April 3, 2021 sermon entitled Reviewing Unleavened Bread Experiences Their situations exhibit the process of redemption. - 32 minutes
March 13, 2021 sermon entitled Celebrating Our Exodus The exodus began the night after Passover. What was the ‘selfsame day’? - 48 minutes
February 20, 2021 sermon entitled The Abib, the Wave Sheaf and the PLAN How the lunar calendar is structured and how it dates our Holy Day observances. What important event does Luke 6 show us? - 46 minutes
January 30, 2021 sermon entitled The ‘FORGOTTEN’ Nation Israel’s role in the greater scheme of things: revealing Israel’s function in the Kingdom - 65 minutes
January 16, 2021 sermon entitled Coping in the “New Normal” Holding onto our peripheral bearings / a Sure Word of prophecy / Being confident enlighteners - 56 minutes
December 12, 2020 sermon entitled A Comprehensive Reconsideration Putting several factors into their right placement in the order of things to come - 57 minutes
November 7, 2020 sermon entitled None Sought to Help Living In a modern crucible of evil and lethargy / understanding our situation - 43 minutes
September 28, 2020 sermon entitled Atonement and the Wavesheaf Offering. Three illustrations: two goats / Temple Ceremonies / Fasting. What this day is intended to teach us. Atonement isn’t just a day, it’s also an ongoing process! - 52 minutes
September 6, 2020 sermon entitled The Power of the Resurrection Why Paul made the strong emphasis that he did in Philippians 3 - 39 minutes
August 8, 2020 sermon entitled “As in the Days of NOAH”! Being Fully Aware of the Real World Only evil continually! - 52 minutes
July 7, 2020 sermon entitled Salvation and Conversion Can the typical worshiper be under-informed? - 47 minutes
May 30, 2020 sermon entitled Watch and Pray Always Knowing what we must be aware of - 53 minutes
May 9, 2020 sermon entitled What We Can Know from Prophecy End Time prophecy will develop along these lines. - 55 minutes
April 9, 2020 sermon entitled The Abrahamic Covenent Significant events that occurred on the First Day of Unleavened Bread. - 56 minutes
March 14, 2020 sermon entitled Focusing on a Crucial Interval From the birth of Jesus to the death of Herod - 46 minutes
February,8 2020 sermon entitled Enhancing Our Relationship With God Drawing near to God and His response to us - 44 minutes
January 4, 2020, sermon entitled Peace that Surpasses Understanding Segway to Emotional Health - 48 minutes
November 23, 2019, sermon entitled Walking the Walk Fulfilling the experience of our calling - 47 minutes
September 28, 2019, sermon entitled The Time of Jacob’s Trouble Are we looking for all the right things? We may be starting in to it now! - 42 minutes
August 31, 2019, sermon entitled The Ten Tribes Today A perfect convergence between history and prophecy. - 52 minutes
July 27, 2019, sermon entitled Reprobate Mindedness King Solomon and the Apostle Paul describe societal conditions alarmingly similar to our own! - 43 minutes
June 15, 2019, sermon entitled Revelation’s Inset Passages Showing their significance to the book’s prophecies. - 52 minutes
May 18, 2019, sermon entitled Truth and Liberty Appreciate our liberty. You don’t know what you’ve got ’till its gone! - 41 minutes
April 20, 2019, sermon entitled Pursuing Perfection Becoming ‘leavened’ with the unleavenedness of Christ. - 32 minutes
March 23, 2019, sermon entitled Tradition or Truth? What is the importance of the last six days of the Gospels? - 45 minutes
February 16, 2019, sermon entitled Basics of Worship Biblical examples of the forms and substance of true worship are presented. - 46 minutes
January 5, 2019, sermon entitled How Do WE Understand God? Our concepts can effect our relationship with Christ and the health of our congregations. - 46 minutes
December 1, 2018, sermon entitled Connecting the Dots The Kings of Europe and the Beast Power - 55 minutes
November 17, 2018, sermon entitled Origins and Dispersions The Tribes of Israel and the World Today - Historical Perspectives - 57 minutes
October 27, 2018, sermon entitled Considering the Ultimate DEEP STATE The importance of being aware of world developments in light of Biblical Prophecy - 48 minutes
September 8, 2018, sermon entitled How the COVENANTS Exhibit God’s Plan THE FOUR (FIVE) COVENANT ERAS ILLUSTRATED - 56 minutes
August 18, 2018, sermon entitled Elders Indeed The missing component in today’s Churches’ governing structure! The essential Key to congregational integrity! - 53 minutes
July 21, 2018, sermon entitled Messages to he Seven Churches Where the Elect are given Christ’s personal assessment of their spiritual conditions. We must maintain the “ears to hear” what the Spirit says to the Churches. - 50 minutes
June 16, 2018, sermon entitled Genesis One What the first 39 words reveal about the earth’s origins - 36 minutes
May 12, 2018, sermon entitled The Approaching Day of Pentecost How it proves Holy Days are NOT all 'done away' / Importance of receiving the Holy Spirit. - 36 minutes
March 31, 2018, sermon entitled Satisfying the Symbols Unleavenedness is a lifetime pursuit - partaking of the divine nature. - 32 minutes
March 17, 2018, sermon entitled The Profound Book of Job (part 2) - Addressing Life’s Issues - 42 minutes
February 3, 2018, sermon entitled The Profound Book of Job (part 1) An introduction to the background and setting of the Bible’s oldest book! - 47 minutes
January 6, 2018, sermon entitled Resurrection Experience Meeting the Lord in the air / meeting God’s elect - 43 minutes
December 2, 2017, sermon entitled The Greater Spirit of Grace how grace became redefined over time and what was lost in the process - 55 minutes
October 28, 2017, sermon entitled After Satan’s Release The Great White Throne judgment completes the Plan. - 48 minutes
September 30, 2017, sermon entitled The Day of Atonement Its Connection to Passover / Christ’s Intercession For Us - 37 minutes
August 12, 2017, sermon entitled “I Will Make You Fishers of Men” Humility, Wisdom & Knowledge: Assets in selecting the correct bait for bringing in Trophy Fish. - 50 minutes
July 15, 2017, sermon entitled Deacons Indeed. A glimpse into the operations of the early New Testament Church - 46 minutes Where traditional religion warped our perceptions
June 3, 2017, sermon entitled Prelude to Pentecost … God’s Harvest of humanity from Wave Sheaf to completion - 40 minutes Here is what Israel didn’t understand at first.
April 29, 2017, sermon entitled You Are the Salt of the Earth - 36 minutes Assessing the danger of salt losing its enhancement quality in the world and among ourselves.
April 1, 2017, sermon entitled The Jonah Factor - 51 minutes Subliminal lessons from the book of Jonah / Discerning our Sins of Omission.
February 25, 2017, sermon entitled God’s Handiwork in the Heavens and in US! - 38 minutes HE builds the kind of Faith that endures.
January 21, 2017, sermon entitled When Will the Final Judgment Event Take Place? - 43 minutes How this answer refutes the Heaven & Hell belief system
December 17, 2016, sermon entitled Like Babushka Dolls - 54 minutes End-time prophecies are inter-contained and inter-dependent. Daniel 2 presents THE major narrative into which many others place.
November 12, 2016, sermon entitled The Prodigal Son - 30 minutes A lesson in repentance - the basis of conversion
October 3, 2016, sermon entitled Trumpets Herald a New World Order - 42 minutes A more comprehensive look at the seven trumpets
September 10, 2016, sermon entitled The Seven Churches of Revelation - 46 minutes Three defunct eras / three remnant organizations / one enigmatic era! How the WCG view of Laodicea had obvious ‘questions’. Church Eras teaching was not unique to the WCG.
August 6, 2016, sermon entitled If I’d Known What I Know Now - 38 minutes Addressing spiritual growth - Tempering knowledge with wisdom
June, 25 2016, sermon entitled Elders In Deed - 50 minutes Reflections on our organizational oversight: (How we were set-up for being cut down) (Did we comprehend the lessons?)
April, 30 2016, sermon entitled The Exodus Experience - 67 minutes Seeing God’s Hand in the Exodus (What we should realize historically)
March 19, 2016, sermon entitled Right Hand of Fellowship - 52 minutes Overcoming Barriers - Unity at the Base Level
January 30, 2016, sermon entitled Biblical Predestination - 42 minutes Presumptions can thwart understanding.
December 19, 2015, sermon entitled Didn’t See it Coming! - 50 minutes Religion into Reality. The WISE shall understand.
November 14, 2015, sermon entitled Lessons in Genesis One - 46 minutes Revealing the Creation of the Greater Family of God!
October 5, 2015, sermon entitled What’s So Great About the Last Great Day? - 47 minutes A Day for All the Rest
August 22, 2015, sermon entitled The Judgment Seat of Christ - the Rewards Ceremony to come - 43 minutes How ‘works’ factor in to our ultimate rewards in the Kingdom
July 18, 2015, sermon entitled What We Know and How We Know It - 57 minutes What we are privileged to understand about the end-time events.
June 13, 2015, sermon entitled The Seven Aspects of Godly Repentance - 36 minutes Our emotional responses as we gain victory over the sins that so easily beset us
May 16, 2015, sermon entitled Called versus Chosen - 51 minutes Explaining the differences and evidence God is still calling people today
April 10, 2015, sermon entitled The Unpardonable Sin: Understanding the Dynamics of Condemnation. - 35 minutes Is there a difference between an unpardonable sin and an unpardoned sin?
March 21, 2015, sermon entitled The Last Six Days Before Passover - 47 minutes The Gospel of John lays down multiple proofs of the true timing of the Passover. Christ’s teachings are given greater relevance by us knowing when they were spoken.
February 28, 2015, sermon entitled Passover Observance Then and Now - 66 minutes Christ’s interaction with the Samaritans - who they are and what their tradition reveals
January 17, 2015, sermon entitled The shortcomings of the Psychoanalytical Discipline. - 34 minutes Seeking the peace which surpasses all comprehension
November 29, 2014, sermon entitled Our Everpresent Calling - 52 minutes The effect of Believing the Lie
October 25, 2014, sermon entitled Defusing Calendar Controversies - 64 minutes Factors we should consider before becoming polarized
September 13, 2014, sermon entitled Examining Grace - 47 minutes “And it is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgment:”
August 9, 2014, sermon entitled Death’s Dark Door: What Happens After Death? - 57 minutes “And it is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgment:”
July 5, 2014, sermon entitled Hidden In Plain Sight - 47 minutes “Scriptures that are often overlooked for the truths they reveal ”
June 7, 2014, sermon entitled Why Fifty Days? - 35 minutes This Observance presents DUAL Prophetic Considerations!
May 3, 2014, sermon entitled Wave Sheaf Offering - 45 minutes This Ceremony Factors into Theology in ways Not Obvious!
April 15, 2014, sermon entitled The Naaman Effect - 25 minutes Unleavened Bread and Footwashing: A barometer on attitudes.
March 22, 2014, sermon entitled Predestination’s Problem - 50 minutes Does mankind have free moral agency?
Feb 22, 2014, sermon entitled Pursuing Perfection - 45 minutes What are our obligations before God with regard to maturing?
December 14, 2013, sermon entitled Gnosticism’s Residue - 61 minutes Certain teachings in modern religion have an ancient origin.
November 9, 2013, sermon entitled Many Have Made Shipwreck - 56 minutes Why has here been so much attrition?
October 5, 2013, sermon entitled Beyond Armageddon - 44 minutes Explanations and meanings of end-time terminology we use
September 19, 2013, sermon entitled A World Held in the Grip of Madness - 42 minutes Reestablishing Sanity thru God’s Feasts.
August 10, 2013, sermon entitled We Are NOT Under the Law - 46 minutes The Apostle Paul himself defines what he really meant.
June 29, 2013, sermon entitled Defending Jesus’ Divinity - 45 minutes What sets Judaic Religion apart from Christianity?
December 15, 2012, sermon entitled Major Themes of the New Testament - 49 minutes How we can become bogged down in minor issues.
November 10, 2012, sermon entitled Have We Lost our First Love? - 56 minutes What kind of love did Christ identify as lacking?
May 19, 2013, sermon entitled That They May Be One - 45 minutes Celebrating the profound unity of the spirit
April 13, 2013, sermon entitled One Taken, the Other Left - 51 minutes What WILL happen to the unconverted at the Second Coming?
March 2, 2013, sermon entitled Passover’s Enduring Relevance - 51 minutes Biblical evidence of both the Old Testament and New Testament Passover and its ever-increasing meaning.
January 19, 2013, sermon entitled Daniel Eleven: A Prophetic Scenario - 48 minutes Christ made us aware that this prophecy has a dual application. It gives us many things to watch for.
June 16, 2012, sermon entitled Great Battles in Prophecy - 53 minutes Armageddon is NOT the end-of-the-world. The Bible shows that the world is not going to end for at least another 1000 years.
May 27, 2012, sermon entitled Pentecost's Shadow - 40 minutes Subliminal messages contained within the first harvest.
January 21, 2012, sermon entitled What Should We be Doing? - 53 minutes This is our ‘Final Training’. Finishing our course with faithful distinction, this as it relates to our Present and our Future in Tribulation!
December 17, 2011, sermon entitled Why God Gave the Ceremonial Law - 50 minutes It’s past and it’s importance in the future.
November 5, 2011, sermon entitled The Last Great Day - part II - 54 minutes Understanding the Great White Throne Judgment.
October 20, 2011, sermon entitled The Last Great Day - 42 minutes The day of opportunity for those who never had opportunity.
September 29, 2011, sermon entitled The Feast of Trumpets - 46 minutes Background of Paul’s lament / Our hope!
August 27, 2011, sermon entitled Why Stand WE in Jeopardy Every Hour? - 49 minutes Background of Paul’s lament / Our hope!
July 23, 2011, sermon entitled True and Living Faith - 46 minutes Developing that Faith, which is not of ourselves, which instills Christ’s likeness and in which we as Christians LIVE!
June 18, 2011, sermon entitled Congregational Integrity - 43 minutes Addressing the importance of the body remaining a well-functioning and integral unit, especially as we see the day approaching.
April 24, 2010, sermon entitled The 14th Chapter of Revelation - 55 minutes Encapsulated within this one Chapter is a Message Profoundly Revealing with respect to God's Plan for the Salvation of ALL the World's Un-evangelized Masses.
February 19, 2011, sermon entitled Discerning the Love of God - 31 minutes There is a Love that is projected into us that originates with God. Are we willing conduits of His Love, expressing it toward others?
April 9, 2011, sermon entitled What IS Our Finest Hour? - 52 minutes Will we exploit our present opportunities?
January 15, 2011, sermon entitled The Nicolaitan Factor - 53 minutes (Explaining the Church’s incessant political problems.)
September 4, 2010, sermon entitled Protection or Martyrdom: - 44 minutes (Accepting God’s Assignment.)
July 31, 2010, sermon entitled The Spirit Dimension - 21 minutes (How we relate to the Power of God’s Spirit.) (Stte)
July 17, 2010, sermon entitled What IS the New Covenant? - 46 minutes (Replacement or Restoration?)
April 24, 2010 sermon entitled The 14th Chapter of Revelation - 55 minutes (Encapsulated within this one Chapter is a Message Profoundly Revealing with respect to God's Plan for the Salvation of ALL the World's Un-evangelized Masses.)
December 19, 2009 sermon entitled Woe to the Shepherds - 43 minutes (What IS our joy? What IS our mission in life? What is the Church’s mission? Doing the WORK of God! We see in Ezekiel 34 what God wants!)
January 30, 2010 sermon entitled Grace, Works and Reward - 48 minutes (Failure on the part of Theologians to Comprehend the Full Auspices of Grace Can Confound the average Worshipper as to What Response is Appropriate on the part of Those who Truly Have Been Brought Under Grace.)
September 12, 2009 sermon entitled The Love of the Brethren - 48 minutes (Nothing we do should allow compromise of that love.)
August 8, 2009 sermon entitled Paul’s Lament for Israel - 58 minutes (When and How Israel will have opportunity for salvation)
June 20, 2009 sermon entitled Making Do with the Residue! - 50 minutes (What is required of us in these latter days?)
May 16, 2009 sermon entitled Who IS the Church? - 41 minutes (New Testament examples of congregational involvement.)
April 18, 2009 sermon entitled "Are We a Christian Nation?" - 51 minutes How should we regard recent comments made abroad by our prez.? What if our national blessings were dependent on our faithfulness to the Covenant?
June 21, 2008 sermonette entitled "The Other Five Virgins" - 18 minutes Matthew 25 Presents a Wedding Scenario that has long been Understood in the Context of JUST our being Saved or Lost. Actually, there’s More to this Message than meets the Casual Eye. What REAL Point is Jesus Making?
February 16, 2008 sermon entitled "Living Faith" - 52 minutes The subject of faith a little more in depth. When the Son of Man Cometh will He find faith on the Earth? There are different kinds of faith; what is the source of each?
January 19, 2008 sermon entitled "The Dynamics of TRUE FELLOWSHIP" - 25 minutes A Special ‘Ambiance’ Exists Among the True Saints of God. Those in Fellow-ship with the Father and the Son Have Access into an Exclusive Fellowship with One Another, and Enjoy the Unique Benefits of a Common Relationship. Why does the Apostle John associate deferred fellowship with residual sin?
December 1, 2007 sermon entitled "The Incredible Book of Daniel" - 62 minutes A key to understanding the Book of Revelation. Daniel was given extraordinary insight into world history and end-time events. A general overview of the prophecies given to him and especially how they dovetail with one another.
June 16, 2007 sermon entitled When God's Spirit is Poured Out" - 50 minutes An Explicit Promise, made in Ezekiel 37, to this day Remains Unfulfilled. Nothing could be more Insightful than this Outpouring of God's Spirit upon the Entire House of Israel. Do we appreciate its Significance?
August 18, 2007 sermon entitled Modern Myths of Mithras - 51 minutes Quite a Number of Accepted Religious Beliefs are of Extra-Biblical Origins. It Would Shock the Average Worshipper to Learn the True Source of Many Teachings and Practices held Dear in this ' Modern ' World. Too many beliefs and customs are found in ancient religions to be merely co-incidental.
May, 2007 sermon entitled "Is Jesus God?" - 59 minutes The Narrative regarding ‘Doubting Thomas’ is understood to regard his Reluctance to Believe that Jesus had truly been Resurrected from the Dead. Is that ALL there was to it?
October 13, 2007 sermon entitled The Saints which slept Arose - 18 minutes Rarely Mentioned, and Little Understood, (Even Pointedly Ignored), a Brief Reference in the Book of Matthew Poses Interesting Considerations. Why Did God the Father Raise Certain 'Saints' at Christ's Resurrection? What Hope can we gain about the impending resurrections from this startling event?
October 13, 2007 sermon entitled "The Meaning of the Term: "Under the Law" (What Paul REALLY meant!) - 21 minutes Perhaps THE Most Familiar Teaching in the Entire New Testament. At the Same Time, One of the Most Misrepresented and Misunderstood. What Did the Apostle Paul Actually Mean When He Said, 'Under the Law'?
February 11, 2006 sermon entitled And So, All Israel Shall be Saved (God's Plan for a greater yield from Israel) - 43 minutes The Apostle Paul lamented the situation with regard to his physical Kinsmen not being afforded Salvation in this age. You would think they’d be THE Prime Candidates for Salvation, though the Historical Record has proven otherwise! When does their day come?
May 6, 2006 sermon entitled Discovering the Wave Sheaf (Its evidence in New Testament Theology) - 40 minutes Despite Biblical Mention of the Wave Sheaf Offering Being Extremely RARE, this Important Harvest Ceremony Factors into Christian Theology in ways Not Obvious to the Average Worshipper!
December 16, 2006 sermon entitled Understanding the Three Resurrections - 58 minutes Many in God’s Church have serious difficulty fully explaining the Doctrine of the Resurrections from the Dead. Our Counterparts in the Catholic and Protestant World find the matter to be even more Theologically Formidable!
September 2, 2006 sermon entitled The HOPE of Your Calling (Looking beyond this momentary existence) - 53 minutes God's called-out ones are the bridge between this present evil world and the world to come. Keep the hope of your calling alive through active faith.
July 22, 2006 sermon entitled The Doctrine of “the Father and the Son” (A Whole New Paradigm) - 60 minutes With Volatile Issues abundant, the Early NT Church didn't need More things to have to Debate. Yet One Issue was Always ‘Right There’ Waiting to Erupt. Few have noted the Extreme Genius Exhibited by New Testament writers in Changing the Fundamental Perceptual Parameters of Who Elohim Is, doing so with Minimal Controversy at the Time.
Considering the MEANINGS of the Fall Harvest FESTIVALS of the Bible Traditional Christianity, since the Rejection of things “Jewish” by the Apostate Church of the early Fourth Century, lost Awareness of Important Truths regarding How God intends to Extend the Opportunity for Salvation to ALL who have ever lived! The Early New Testament Church understood God’s Plan in ways lost to the Modern Religious World. While Well Representing the Essential Elements of Personal Salvation, the World’s Religions are Inadequate to the Task of Explaining World Salvation: HOW God ultimately will Afford Opportunity to ALL of the Uncountable Multitudes who NEVER HAD ANY real Opportunity for Salvation. This Series will Address that Aspect of God’s Plan! |
The Feast of Trumpets | What it means to the world as well as to us! A series of 7 Trumpets illustrates the Wrath of God upon unrepentant humanity. Revelation 11:15-17 provides a concise outline of events that will take place when Christ returns to rule the Earth together with His resurrected Saints. This era begins the first phase of opportunity for the world’s un-evangelized majority. |
Rich Traver |
9/29/2011 |
Prelude to the Millenium | The Day of Atonement sets the stage for the Millennium. Satan is bound, and the world is introduced to the True Religion of God. Atonement is God’s intended condition with all who will seek entry into a personal relationship with their Creator. |
Les Jenkins |
9/26/2009 |
Atonement 2011 | What is the importance of the Day of Atonement in the plan of God in the Church age and what relevance does it portend for those who live into the millennial age? And why are we instructed to fast annually on this Day? |
Elbert Keefauver |
10/8/2011 |
Appreciating the Last Great Day | The final generation of life for evaluating (judging) those who never had opportunity for salvation: Bringing in the great harvests of humanity. All the ‘rest of the dead’ are raised, after the millennium, to be afforded that opportunity which they never had! Another resurrection, the resurrection of the Last Day, brings up all who ever lived to join these for Final Sentencing at the End! The event described by Christ in Matthew 25:31-46. | Rich Traver | 10/20/2011 |
The Feasts of God | What these days mean in regard to World Salvation! Holydays illustrate the ‘early and the latter rains’: Harvests of humanity who are judged worthy to be brought into the Spirit-born Family of God. Revelation chapter 14 describes each of those harvests and the ‘end of physical existence’. |
Rich Traver |
11/5/2011 |
Ezekiel’s millennial message | Ezekiel presents a message of hope to the whole deceased ‘Houses of Judah AND Israel’. Thirteen whole chapters are devoted to describing Israel’s unique place in the redemptive Plan during the seventh millennium, and graphically presenting the Religious Systems that will be practiced exclusively: A restored Ceremonial System for those being prepared for conversion and a Faith-based system for those having God’s Spirit and truly being converted. | Rich Traver | 9/29/2010 |
Government in the Church and Member Responsibility Variations exist among God’s elect with respect to the manner in which God’s Church ought to be organized and administered. There are extremes of opinions: the attitude that little or no organization is necessary or appropriate, to the other extreme, in which “Government” is afforded the highest regard in a highly structured establishment of absolute power and near ‘official’ infallibility! Though given little direct Biblical mention, the issue of government within the Church is often illustrated in the actions and situations related in the context of Scripture. It has remained largely our doing to evaluate those situations, and to create from them concepts of government under which we operate. The following messages consider those concepts and how they affected our spiritual growth and our congregations’ long term viability. |
How Did This Happen? | The startling doctrinal overthrow in the Church and how it ultimately contributed to our training for these end-times. |
Rich Traver |
9/22/2012 |
Seminar: God’s New Testament Ministry | Feast Seminar: This session addresses the various service functions that God intended for the edification of His Church. Correct definitions of those functions (offices) present a dramatic difference revealing how His Church is to be structured and grow. | Rich Traver | 10/6/2012 |
Have We Lost Our First Love? | Years in the faith can take an inevitable toll if we are not careful. What admonition should Christians take from Christ’s assesment of Ephesus? | Rich Traver | 11/10/2012 |